Havlyn Ehrich- Iron Jawed Angels
This film was very intriguing. Not only did it showcase the overall difficulties of women fighting for their rights, but it also showed the interplay between women. The women in this film unite to create one power to fight. During the process, however, they seem to also show the internal divisions that they have between themselves. Multiple examples seem to come about in the film portraying this divisive hostility, to varying degrees. One example can be seen when the women were gathering for their march, but a black woman confronts them about their mistake to put her and her peers in the back of the line. Politically speaking, the women did not feel it was best to have them elsewhere. The woman of color disagreed and a hostile environment was created. Despite this, later on we see that she eventually ends up joining the parade regardless. Another example can be seen in the court scene discussing the budget. The two council women have always seemed to have it out for Alice and her ...