The C.S.A. : Confederate State of America

Watching the movie and reading the article "The Double Terror of Being Black in America" didn't really show me anything new, but it did show me how American society tries so hard to hide the truth behind what has happened in the past and what is happening today. I have grown up biracial as I am half Black and half white, therefore, I have seen both sides of the spectrum and have had both experiences. Something that really stood out to me during the film was the conversation of mixed children and the fear of them. I think the main point of fear is that they can have the perspective from both races and can possibly pass for white if their skin is lighter. This creates another racial problem, not only from the fear of Black people from white people, but the fear of mixed people from white people, and the fear of lighter skinned Black people from darker skinned Black people; colorism. White people have pushed this fear of the "other" onto Black people fearing themselves that goes both directions. In the film, they state you can never know who your neighbors really are and today we see this narrative where lighter skinned Black people are given more privilege in the modern world, especially in films and movies. Lighter actresses/actors are often cast instead of their darker counterparts though they may be better for the part or if they are cast, their skin appears lighter. Something similar to this is the example of Princess and the Frog. She was the first Black princess, but she had a lighter complexion and sharper features that didn't really make up what a lot of people or what the voice actor (who was Black) were expecting, in a negative way. 

In response to the prompt directly, I believe the "double threat" means Black people have the threat of white suprematists and from systemic racism. The article talked a lot about healthcare and how it is much harder for Black people to access adequate healthcare at an affordable price. I recently wrote a paper on the lack of access to Black maternal healthcare and the outcomes we face such as higher maternal mortality and morbidity rates than white women. I think the "double threat" can apply in a lot of settings including education and the work force. These may not directly kill them, but they can lead to many other factors and lack of opportunities that will help kill them faster.

Colorism Among the Black Community — Leaders Igniting Transformation

Whitewashing” in Mass Media: Exploring Colorism and the Damaging Effects of  Beauty Hierarchies | Race and technology


  1. I enjoyed reading this an appreciated you bringing in the issue of colorism. Another interesting facet to this is the sales of creams and treatments meant to lighten skin. Sold all over the world many of these contain dangerous chemicals. On the other side of this, thinking about white skinned women who risk skin cancer for a tanned darker skin look. These pressures are dangerous.


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