Dr. Strangelove- Havlyn Ehrich

 Dr. Strangelove is a very interesting movie. We see a satirical stance of politics addressing the Cold War at the time the movie was made. According to one of the readings posted by The Atlantic, it is noted that audiences laughed at this movie back in 1964 when it was produced. However, things became more serious as time went on and nuclear war terminology soon became the norm in public entertainment. The movie Dr. Strangelove tells the story of an individual who has gone insane and launched a nuclear missile attack on the Soviet Union. The movie highlights the incompetence of the president in the movie as well the other governmental officials. They were all acting in fear that the Soviet Union would send nuclear missiles on them too. Such a case would be considered mutual destruction: each party terminates the other. Though this was meant as a comedy, this idea became very real to the people at the time and still flourish in the lives of Americans today. The US president is a large player in our politics for allowing this issue to occur or not. As most famously noted, former president Trump was known for having a big red button to push that would send nuclear weapons towards North Korea. Such remarks were made after North Korea threatened to send nuclear weapons towards the United States. As we can see, these forms of destruction are still very predominant in our governmental system. It was discussed in class that possibly too much power is given to the individuals in government positions. If they decide to launch such weapons and the offended party does too, then mutual destruction would be achieved. Dr. Strangelove is a great example of this, one man who went insane was able to send an entire nuclear attack without anyone else’s authorization. Though this is a dramatization, how close does it seem to hit home with the US politics today? Is there too much power being given to individuals?  Have we created too powerful of weapons or not powerful enough? All these can be questions to consider when watching this movie and noticing US politics today.


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