Reservation Dogs

 In connection to the other films, I thought this show represented a lot of unity and togetherness within the characters. The group had to all stay together to progress and questions of leaving versus staying to help the community also came up, specifically for Bear. I thought it was really important that the entire cast and anyone who helped create the film were Native American or Indigenous because of the lack of opportunities they often have and the educational aspect behind it. Growing up and going to school during the years of K-8, kids don't normally learn about Native American culture or history. If you're lucky to learn about them while in school, it is usually pretty vague. I don't remember learning about the history that much, but I do remember a period where we discussed the culture and why some things are important that may not be to ourselves. I think that community gets left behind and forgotten a lot and people are uncomfortable discussing that. The most promoting for this community that I've seen has been for missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW). Showtime produced a docuseries this year called Murder in Big Horn which focuses on the tribal members and communities in Big Horn, Montana who are dealing with MMIW which has continued to be prevalent. In connection to Reservation Dogs, Big Horn is going to be a lot more serious and disturbing which isn't for everyone, so I think that Reservation Dogs does a good job at giving people more options to learn. The quote "permission to laugh at us" lets that audience know that it is a comedy and that's okay. Native American people are still normal people and we call make mistakes and jokes and if the show makes a blatant joke, that may be a little off-putting if said seriously, the audience can laugh without being called racist. I think a lot of people are worried about being labeled as racist because they don't know how to properly go about this conversation, therefore, they continue to lack education. 

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Resources


  1. Good points - it is such a struggled to find the joy and laughter in the face of so many hardships and obstacles, but that also dehumanizes anyone if we can't or won't see all the facets of a group as equal. The issue of MMIW is so important so I'm glad that's getting attention.


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