
The topic of LGBTQ equality has been a contentious issue in the United States for decades, and the atmosphere surrounding it has become increasingly charged in recent years. This can be seen in the public debates and discussions around issues such as same-sex marriage, transgender rights, and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. On one hand, there are those who advocate for LGBTQ equality and inclusion, arguing that all people should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. These individuals believe that LGBTQ individuals should have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else, and that discrimination against them is unjust and unacceptable. In the film, Harvey Milk made his entire campaign around speaking up for those who had np voice. He focused on the LGBTQ community because no other politician had really done that before as a public member of the community. He strived to voice that being gay is not a problem and should not be something that separates them from society. On the other hand, there is a vocal, active, and influential minority of the population in the United States who consider LGBTQ equality to be threatening. These individuals often frame their opposition to LGBTQ rights in terms of religious or moral values, arguing that same-sex relationships or transgender identities are incompatible with their beliefs. In the film, Dan White's fear was that the gay community would get rid of all the heterosexuals which is a fear that a lot of people shared. Anita Bryant and John Briggs both vocalized that if they are gay, they are essentially a sin and anyone that interacted with them, would also be conducting out a sin. In relation to Inherit the Wind, both films had characters who expressed the idea that someone cannot be a godly man/woman and have another idea that is not directly shown in the Bible. Inherit the Wind focused on religion vs evolution and Milk focuses on religion vs sexual orientation, but both minority communities (evolution and sexual orientation) expressed that they were religious and believed in God. 

The charged atmosphere surrounding this topic means that it can be difficult for LGBTQ individuals to feel included in political and social life. They may face discrimination, harassment, or even violence, particularly in more conservative or religious communities. Furthermore, the debate over LGBTQ equality has become increasingly politicized, with some politicians and political parties using it as a wedge issue to rally their base. However, there have also been significant gains for LGBTQ rights in recent years, particularly with regards to marriage equality and transgender rights. These gains have been achieved through the efforts of activists, community organizations, and allies who have worked tirelessly to push for change. Overall, the charged atmosphere surrounding LGBTQ equality in the United States reflects a broader societal divide between those who embrace diversity and inclusion and those who resist it. While progress has been made, there is still much work to be done to ensure that LGBTQ individuals are fully included in political and social life, and that their rights are protected and respected. 

Back to the Ramparts in California - The New York Times


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